On your wings of Love
- on your way to God
The goal of this entire text is to help you to
understand the cause of human problems on earth and how to solve
existing problems as well as to avoid future problems from occurring.
Know the cause of fear, stress, anger, jealousy, sexual tension or
frustration, how to control your mind and emotions and how to direct all
your life into a truly loving direction. A basic but accurate
understanding and awareness of God's creation and your very own
spiritual being is essential. By the end of this entire in depth study
of all essentials of life you should easily be able to analyze your own
situations and to create your own solutions of love in all future
situations in your life. To give you an orientation in life and help you
to find your way home to God
is the final goal of this text and this goal is achieved by practicing
the holy technique of Kriya Yoga given to you in this very online text
of God's teachings of Love.
The various chapters cover such vital topics as family life,
relationship and sexuality, success in business and job, how to select
or build a career successfully, spiritual, emotional, mental and
physical health, emotion and mind control and many aspects of
metaphysical physiology of mankind including information on chakras,
kundalini, how to dissolve karma, spiritual laws, kriya yoga techniques,
kriya pranayama, kriya yoga meditation, mantram, various essential
mudras, meditation techniques and mind control techniques and many more
helpful topics.God's Teachings of Love - Introduction
This English text came into existence with the blessing and Divine guidance of God and started one day early morning around 0500 a.m. in the year 1997. Any of these chapters have been written with the Divine Bliss from God, therefore this text shall always remain free for anyone - free for a free, truthful and universal distribution for the mutual benefit of all creation.
May Divine truth and Divine Love expand throughout this planet and beyond
May Divine Love and
Divine Bliss fill and free all hearts and all souls
and uplift them to their Divine Home in God.
Love and Bliss
A text about God and his Divine Love can only be written on the basis of true and repeated God-Union. So is this text.
God can never be subject to philosophy, speculations and imagination. God is real, he is absolute and can be experienced by anyone wishing to to so. The authors repeated God-Union were initiated through the practice of Kriya Yoga in combination with infinite Love for God and all others. One day after an intense preparation, Nirbikalpa Samadhi was achieved and soon after Maha Samadhi full oneness with God. There are several ways of initiating your way to God, depending on your present personality. Bhakti Yoga - a way of developing Divine Love toward God and all his children and his entire creation or Karma Yoga the way of serving God in a selfless, loving way; to help wherever help is needed, wherever God guides you, these are but a few other ways that successfully start your way back to your heavenly home and final, eternal destination.
May this text help you on your way to God - on your way to Heaven, God's world of love - to final and eternal freedom. Whatever you are learning now - you are learning for eternity. Do now what you can learn now. Your future comes into existence by all those things you postpone to a later date.
God is Love - nothing but Divine Love - whatever you do, he loves you. He never stopped loving you in your past. No matter how your past has been and how you felt about it. It always was your miss-perception of God that turned your life into what you experienced in your past. Now it is time for a change. It is time to return to God - if you desire so. You are free do to whatever you want to do. To stay here on earth or any other place whatever time you like so or to return to God by the end of this incarnation, if this is the desire of your conscious soul.
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