Life and career - How to construct your life
career to be forever successful
Exactly what it says - eternally !
Here on earth - as well as where ever you are, we learn for eternity. Here on earth we learn the very
fundamental basic lessons of:
- What means loving all
- How to love all
- how to solve daily problems of any nature in true divine love
- How to solve our past problems in love
- How to use our God given freedom while remaining in love with all
Hence - if you learn here and now to achieve a behavioral pattern of
love in all situations and if you make this divine pattern to your true
nature, then you will keep such divine achievement beyond
any death,
beyond physical life of this or any eventual later reincarnation. Hence
if ONCE you have learned to be successful in a loving way, your
capability of being successful in a loving way will be your eternal
basement of any future action or plans.
What is the definition of true lasting eternal success ?
Success means to achieve a goal !
If however you want to achieve a goal again and again, eternally then
there are a few additional factors that need to be considered AND
True success in the absolute sense and in full
harmony with God and Love requires from you to abide by
spiritual laws that last forever and are far above the validity of any
earthly law by whatever government. From God's point of view, success
means having one creation free of any limits where ALL beings - human,
animal and others - are in peace, in love and eternally happy.
Happiness however can only exist as a result of true
love permanently flowing through all - from you to all to God ! Love can
only flow in an environment of absolute and infinite freedom - such as
the freedom God gave ALL of us "children made to the image of God".
Being here on earth is the result of an ancient disaster among all
mankind - the result of developing ego. The result of developing
personality in a NON-loving and thus destructive direction. Having an
infinite number of possibilities also means that have of infinite number
of possibilities is loving and the other half is destructive. Half of
infinite is A LOT !!! Half of infinite possibilities to do things is
enough for all eternity if you do it a loving way - and if you learn to
do everything in a truly loving way then we have true and lasting
success from the absolute point of view of God. If we have achieved such
capabilities and behavioral pattern in whatever we do - then we are
ready to return home to God. however half of infinite possibilities is
of destructive nature and that too is a LOT - and people do destroy -
even entire planets and greater system - again and again. And as a
result of such there are again and again BILLIONS of humans who fail to
be truly happy, who miss the feeling of being truly loved by even one
single person, who miss the feeling of having another partner to love.
Missing happiness is the result of missing "flowing love" !!! Love as
an unused potential - blocked love we may call it - has no effect of
any kind. Only flowing love -
Dynamic Love vs static Love is making happy, only dynamic love is healing.
Illness of ANY kind - including accidents - always is a proof of
missing flow of love or even of destructive powers within us to act and
If you want to be happy - then there is a need to learn to love in all situations
If you want to be truly happy you need thus to learn to be successful in the true and divine way - with love.
To achieve lasting true success in your life - you need to learn to apply all divine basics again, such as:
- Support others in their innermost wish to return home to God
- Learn to recognize natural needs of others
- Learn to be a provider of such natural needs for others
- Learn to put the lasting eternal wellbeing of all creation above the short term needs of ego
- learn to actively contribute to the well being and spiritual development of all mankind and all creation
- learn to become a direct source of love for all around you
- learn to always be open for God - for adjustments, guidance and
advise by God in all you do and learn to accept and apply such guidance
from God
- Learn to achieve a higher state of awareness that allows you to
perceive with as many senses as possible harmony with God in all you do.
Avoid mistakes - learn from the past - learn from history as well as from wise guidance of others, particularly from God
God has the greatest "collection" of experience of all - hence God
knows all possible mistakes that have been leading into darkness of all
mankind on earth - and God knows solutions of Love leading all mankind
out of darkness, out of any self made problems back into happiness at
home !!!
Learn to follow such advise until you are able to be in
permanent and direct contact with God yourself. It makes your life
easier and far more pleasant - even here and now on earth. Keep in mind
however that your true and eternal home never will be here but in our
ONE home in God. ONE world free of any limits - reigned but by Love from
ALL rules that provide solutions of love for
spiritual life apply as well in all material life. Of course - because
there is but one life and all you ever do must be in full harmony with
your innermost being - your innermost being is created by God - hence
made to the image of God. A dog always will have dog-puppies and never b
aby elephants !! If God creates beings - they always will be children
of God - made to the image of God !
To say HERE on earth we are "Gods" however would be far too
simplified !!! We are and remain for a while CHILDREN of God - made to
his image like all children are made to the image of their parents and
of course we all are destined to grow up !!!
How to construct a successful life - including successful career in life
The basement is the most important - like in a building. Your life
needs to be based on solid, lasting facts and divine principles. Your
life and of course thus also any professional career needs to be
constructed on the basis of eternal divine principles !
Here on earth - the steps are:
- Learn the basics needed for everything in life - elementary school education for all
- Learn to practice - learn to work as early in life as possible - working makes you aware of the need for more and
specialized education and skills needed and may thus enhance your motivation to learn more drastically and instantly.
- Observe your daily environment to find out needs
- Learn to understand the true and natural needs of others and how to meet those needs
- Learn to SEE work that is to be done and do it !!! Look out for any
kind of work - even if sometimes it may be without any payment
- LEARNING never is paid ! Only successful productive services and
helpful products are getting paid.
- Observe and learn from others in your environment - from ALL and anyone near you - to apply whatever experience they
have in your life. Learning by observing others ALL life may be the easiest and cheapest resource of knowledge,
experience and skills
- Help others whenever possible - the more you actually do - the more you learn the more experience you have for your
very own field of professional activity
- Learn additional skills and knowledge as needed for your particular specialty
- Learn by doing and improve your knowledge and skills whenever you
work and become aware of missing skills. Missing skills in a loved
present activity should give you highest possible motivation to learn
fast, easy and whatever needed
- Apply intuition - even in technical jobs. God knows everything of
real importance. Hence learn to be open for God in whatever you do
- Constantly improve skills and knowledge - learning NEVER stops - education and learning and practicing is ETERNAL !!!
- Observe worldwide economy and development to find out needs.
Recognize changes in economy and industries and prepare in advance to
meet future needs. Always be ready to change, to adapt to modified, new
and improved situations on earth and all creation.
Learn the basics
With all you ever learn always keep in mind that learning to love and
doing whatever is done with true divine love is the only highest
priority ever and forever !!!
Elementary school education makes life for all easier.
Reading and writing as well as basic physical laws, math, some history
and geography helps you open for the entire world.
Learn a foreign language suitable for worldwide communication.
nowadays this may well be English. Any additional language may open
doors to additional "markets" and fields of employment and make
traveling and international employment of jobs far easier.
If you are in a lucky situation and have the
opportunity for a FEW years of high school or similar higher basic
education - this may help you gain additional higher knowledge that
SOMETIMES are needed in technical jobs.
However - for spiritual progress high school never is
needed !!! In fact i have never encountered and can never remember in
all past incarnations ever having met a graduate saints or highly
spiritual persons. Saints used to be always and still are - simple
people having worked in simple and often hard life any kind of job. God
realized people have WORKED and hence LOVED their way to God - never
studied their path to God.
Learn to practice
The easiest way to learn is by doing. Children or better
babies never learn - they do and learn while doing. This is the natural
way of learning and also the single most efficient. Learning by doing
avoids that you first learn a whole bunch of theories before you
actually know precisely what you really need to know. Learning or
studying in advance is a waste of resources, expensive and inefficient
for all creation.
Learn to practice as early as possible and keep this attitude alive
for all future. Accept any challenge life is offering you, within your
family, within your parents business, within
your family business,
within your neighborhood, ... Whenever there is anything that needs to
be done and you have a chance to do - DO IT - it is for YOUR own
benefit, because YOU are the one GAINING experiences, improving skills
AND feeling useful on top of all ! Whenever you do something for others -
you meet a need for others, hence you are a source of satisfaction, a
solution provider, a real help FOR others and THAT makes YOU feel
lovable, love-worthy. Something you may truly need for your later family
and love-life !!! The more useful and helpful work you ever have done
for others the easier it is for you to FULLY accept love FROM others -
very particularly from your own partner in eternal life.
Children LOVE to practice. They love to do whatever YOU - the parents
or adults around them do - whenever they are nearby and ask to help or
"work" with you - say "YES" and accept them as your companion. They may
help you to improve your teaching and communication skills to a higher
level - small children are like small angels - far more spiritual than
adults - they way you teach small children while keeping them smiling
and happy all the time - that's the way to really teach adults - because
they too are children of God - angel-babies in an old body learning to
spiritually grow up and become adult children of God.
When you have children - let them find out what they love to do and
the way they love to do it - let them do all THEIR way - it may be far
more fun for them and for adults as well. having fun while working is
vital, because ALL humans and non-humans NEED to learn to work in a
fashion that is FUN for them. whenever children ask how to do something -
then of course explain them your method of doing a particular work.
Explain the why and how and all potential dangers. How to avoid
injuries. How to do things safely. use positive words and teach them the
very same way you would talk to adults - your children may be millions
of years older than YOU - just their
body a little younger and less damaged than yours !
Observe your daily environment
By observing your daily environment you gain most
valuable data for your potential career or a market niche for a
potential self employment. You become aware of::
- What problems people have when you listen in your daily life to all
their talks whenever you meet people or are in a waiting queue or
public place or in bus or train. Use your time efficiently - always be
open - open for God, he will guide you and filter the important from the
obsolete when you observe and listen to others.
- You hear what people are MISSING in their lives - that might be
what you want to supply - as a service or product, whatever the needs
- Listen to their daily complaints - what exactly are they
complaining about - learn from it, avoid to be a source of later
complaints or learn to solve their problems and avoid their complaints
by being a solution provider.
- Whenever people suffer from lack of quality or lack of service or
lack of particular really NEEDED product to make their lives love worthy
- these are the truly important niches you should look for when
selecting a job or starting a business on your own ! Because when you
solve their problems or FILL a niche - THEIR lives are more happy and
hence this happiness bounces back TO YOU. In addition HONEST people
always are willing and easily ready to pay whatever is needed by a
honest businessman to supply their needs.
- Observe what markets, jobs and industrial directions are filled
with honest and true people and where all the liars and cheaters are.
Stay out of latter and prefer an activity where most people used to be
simple, loving and honest to all.
- Observing your neighborhood, environment, TV news, Internet and all
other people you ever meed with an open mind and open heart gives you a
huge "database" for alter comparison whenever you need to make a
decision. In addition you will use your God given intuition or listen to
wise advise to make final decisions.
Learn to understand the true and natural needs
People may have many needs. Some of them may be of truly
important nature while many - sometimes most - may be the result of
excess fantasy and loss of spiritual orientation.
After carefully reading and studying all different sections of the
Cyberspace Ashram and after practicing all for a few years - you will
develop a sense for what true natural needs of mankind are and hence
should be met by someone to make life easier and what kind of needs
would drag mankind even further away from God.
Always keep in mind the purpose and reason WHY people are HERE on
earth on this very planet .... they have failed to love, they have
invested too often too much of their resources, life force, money and
heritage into wrong and destructive directions - AWAY from God. That's
why and that is the ONLY reason why mankind is here on this very planet.
Every human - of any spiritual back ground, of any religion or any
culture, even atheist - have a true and innermost desire for LOVE, peace
and harmony ... AND for a return HOME. However as a result of too long
focusing on material goods, technical development and some even thinking
about creating a "paradise" on earth, people have often acquired
totally wrong orientations in their life and you remember the
microletter "on wrong path all steps are wrong" !! That means people on a
wrong path often have wrong desires, needs when fulfilled would carry
them even further away from God rather then guiding them gently and
lovingly back home on a path of true divine love.
As a spiritual person it is your utmost responsibility
to clearly and very precisely differentiate between artificial needs on
the path of matter and money and natural needs to feed the spiritual
hunger of each and every soul.
Learn a Job that helps people to better focus, better
find their path HOME to God. If you mislead them you WILL of course
fail to return home as well and even worse YOU may be the only one who
has to search for, find and guide all those back to God that YOU have
ever misguided. I have personally met such "spiritual person" being
fully aware of misguiding his disciples and customers and without any
sincere intentions of changing that !!!
Learn to see work
Most young children SEE work. They see what you do and love to be with you - work with you whatever you do.
Later on many acquire the skills of actually and fully consciously
escaping work. Having all others do the work and going another few years
to school or study or just hang around is no learning process and hence
never serves YOU to spiritually or professionally advance and succeed.
Progress is achieved by actual real, physical work. Done by YOU - who
else ! Only what you really and physically you with all your god given
resources, with your hands and all body, using common sense - far more
valuable than artificial intellect - only such work brings YOU back to
God. Only love that actually flows through you - through your body and
heart is healing and freeing YOU. ALL else, ALL what OTHERS to for you -
even if YOU are the one to pay them out of your own pocket. all else is
for the spiritual benefit of others and will free THEM because the work
done by others - even when done at your expense and in your name - is
done by others and hence others had their life force and love flowing
... and those others will be freed.
Be aware that you may find yourself any number of reincarnations
anywhere again and again - here on earth or where ever if this planet is
killed one day again.
Open your eyes and search and SEE the work that needs
to be done, work that is waiting for you. FOR YOU - who else !
Remember the spiritual lesson presented to all mankind in the fairy tale
"Cinderella". May be you search the Internet for it if it is unknown to
you. It is a very valuable and vital key to God. It is ONE complete
path of love to God - in this ONE fairy tale !!! It simplified means: Do
all your duties that are WAITING for you. Become aware of them by
opening your heart and eyes and all senses. And if you satisfactory
complete each of such duties and go on in life - by the en you will
immerse in an ocean of divine love and bliss - pored by god upon you
when you return HOME by the end of your present lifetime ! Else ... just
read the fairy tale and you'll know !
Daily life for all - including children of young age offers many
suitable smaller and later on greater tasks than NEED to be done. Many
of them ore very obvious and yet millions manage to escape almost an
entire life long any of these duties and most beautiful, challenging and
rewarding jobs. rewarding because they make you feel lovable - love
worthy - and that feeling you need to establish FIRST before you can
ever feel happy with your partner -including your eternal partner by the
end of all reincarnations.
There is only ONE way to achieve with scientific
precision the feeling of being lovable of being love worthy - by
working, by doing lots of USEFUL, helpful things to as many others as
possible. No need to travel to search - YOUR present life offers or
offered you plentiful of exactly the kind of work and jobs and duties
YOU need for your very individual spiritual situation - adapted to your
very own individual karma.
Observe and learn from others - learn from God
Children learn from their parents by copying all the
parents do whenever they are allowed to do so. Children learn while
playing, while having fun. learning by copying others, by having an
"idol" for a particular activity is the easiest way of learning and
progressing. It is the natural way in all creation. All one day sooner
or later want to copy God !!! When you pray "Let me learn to love, to do
and to help like God" then God may show you HIS method of doing things
in all situations of life - EVEN in your love life !!! All you need is
simply to be open for God and accept him in ALL parts of your life ALL
the time !!! It's fun to have God as your true counselor in life and
love life ...
it never creates losers only winners ! Also divine love can be kind of
"tricky" - in a divine and most healing way.
Most have either parents to help and work while young - or neighbors
or relatives. Accept any occasion to learn, to watch others and imitate
them when you feel like. Even among the poorest of all there are always
opportunities to learn from others. And most others allow you to help
and hence to learn to do, to practice, when you ask them. Many may even
be happy - because working in a team is more fun than working alone.
Whenever you are working and have a child - even a
"foreign" child standing by and watching your work. Be open,
communicate, explain what you do and why. Explain the pros and cons,
dangers and how to avoid. Allow the child to assist if he child is ready
for. You will feel it - silent communication often is more accurate and
more powerful when your heart is open than verbal communication. Invite
children to join you, to learn from you. Be ready to SHARE ALL the
wealth of your knowledge, experience and skills with anyone wanting to
learn from you. One of them may later on be a "teacher" for one of your
very own, children, nephews or grandchildren.
Help others whenever possible
ALL of us have something valuable to GIVE to others.
Baby-sitting, dog sitting, helping across the road for a blind, helping
to go shopping for elderly, work in the garden or household. In your own
home or within neighborhood or out in the world.
Look in advertisements, on TV, in classifieds where help is needed
and accept such jobs where people are actively searching for help. Any
kind of hep gives you the chance to gain additional human experiences
and to let your own spirituality grow.
Even better - learn to see when help is needed before
someone asks you for help. This is very easy if you truly and sincerely
want to learn to be useful, lovable and love worthy - then your heart
obviously is open and an open heart always can feel and know all the
needs of others before they even become aware of their own needs. Before
a situation actually occurs.
Learn additional skills and knowledge
When you have started to work - there will be again and
again a time when you are fully aware of the need for additional
knowledge and skills. That's the time to expand your professional
horizons. Rather NOW then before you even start working. NOW that you
are working and become aware of precise knowledge or very precise skills
needed to further progress and succeed, NOW YOU have a true need for
continuing education and hence you have a FULL motivation to learn
whatever is needed and of course you will easily be ready to pay
whatever honest price is needed to achieve such additional knowledge or
Learning goes on FOR ETERNITY - hence there shall never be a school
time of any extended period without applied work and there also shall
never be pure work without continuing education. Both are done at the
very same time - eternally.
With the basic school education you have all you need to start
working in any truly useful Job. Then as you grow you WANT to learn more
to do your work better and achieve higher level of expertise.
IN this modern world all of you - all of those having
access to Internet - have access to almost unlimited sources of
knowledge in all major and all truly important fields of activities.
Continuing education can always be done while working - or on weekends
or during vacation. May be for a major change in life an intense course
during a few months. Full time study of many years certainly are out -
they simply are too inefficient and too expensive for all. In God's
creation - in the spiritual world - learning and doing always are
at the very same time. Learn from God.
Since learning goes on eternally - that also means that
if on the right path back to God - we may find our true and eternal
specialty .. something we may want to do for a very long time. Always
ready to improve, to adapt to changes and always used for the absolute
benefit of all. And for the JOY of God !!! We all are unique - no two
humans are truly and fully identical - no two cat babies are equal in
behavior ... Humans are like an infinite number of different flowers
in a heavenly garden. ALL of us have something very unique to
contribute. During the course of eternity you may vary, adapt or modify
.. but first of all you may want to do one particular work
better and better - for the joy and happiness of all.
The very same can be done HERE on earth in any
material job or profession you are preparing for and practicing.
It is far nicer to be a specialist - welcome by others because of your
unique and outstanding expertise - rather than to be a copy of a million
others doing exactly the same as many and doing it as wrong or
imperfect as many who are working in a wrong job or profession. Become
an expert in whatever you do and constantly adapt to the continuous
development of our society and industry. Read books, professional
magazines, watch educational TV series, attend professional workshops
and seminars on a regular - AT LEAST - on an annual schedule !!!
Continuing education DURING work is the key for becoming valuable to
others, to society and to any employer - TO ALL CREATION. Remember all
the basic skills we learn HERE and NOW can always be used for our
spiritual life and progress and work. If we have achieved here on earth
the know how and right attitude to help others, to be useful to others,
to adapt to the ever changing needs of human society on earth - then we
also have learned to adapt and upgrade all our skills and knowledge on
any later spiritual level OR at home in God.
Apply intuition - be open for God
Whatever you do - God always can assist you and help you
or advise you - IF you are open for God and if you accept his advise.
Of course this means in no way that you always have to ask about all and
everything. If you would do so you may never learn do do things on your
very own. Adult children of God have the divine capability AND
authority do do on their own ... BUT - here on earth we all are that
much away from God that being open ALL the time certainly speeds up our
returning home to God and also speeds up our learning to love again like
divine children of God. Being open for God in ALL situations o four
earthly life makes life MUCH easier and more loving and convenient for
ALL others who have to life with the many mistakes that our earthly ego
creates day after day.
The more you are open for God - the less mistakes you
make, the cheaper your learning - cheaper in US $ !!! - because
mistakes are expensive and the one and only the one making a mistake is
the one paying for any repair and damage.
If you keep that last sentence in mind - it helps you to first learn
to be good, to do small and humble business and to constantly progress
to improve your qualifications. Constant opening to God will guarantee
you constant divine counseling and hence will help you to avoid any
real damage to anyone including your self or your health.
Observe worldwide economy and development to find out needs
This step starts even during childhood. Latest during
your teenage years it is time to look out into this world and become
interested in what is going on. What are people doing out there, What
are the problems, challenges, solutions people are looking for, how is
this world developing, ...
What are the jobs and positions free in worldwide advertisement as
well as in national and local newspapers. This gives you in early
childhood and teenage years an accurate and reliable knowledge of
potential future positions and professions that can easily find jobs and
employment or that may offer opportunities for self employment to start
your own business.
But i want to start my own business right away!
Unless you are either millionaire or your parents are stupid - you
may never want to pay for all the mistakes yourself that you are going
to do without true practical experiences before starting your own
business. Your parents paying for your mistakes would be very stupid. I
hope you have smart parents who let YOU pay for YOUR mistakes - because
it makes you more humble and more careful in all you ever do - EVER !!!
Mistakes ARE expensive and you are the only one to pay - hence AVOID
mistakes by first gaining experiences under the direct supervision of
teachers, masters and professionals willing to teach you. Then enhance
all such experiences, knowledge and kills by first working for several
or many years - even decades - for others, for those who have already
decades of experiences or
more, for those who have survived world wars, economic crisis and more.
Let them help you, let them share their wealth of knowledge, skills and
experiences WITH you - by hiring you they offer you a position to
LEARN. Even if you have a manager position - it is to LEARN !!!
If you truly want to start your own business successfully as soon as
possible - then you need to do all of the above - but more, more often,
harder, more intense, more reliable and always accept full
responsibility for all your work, services and products - and work
through even more different jobs and positions from all the way DOWN -
all the way up - step by step and gain experiences for years or even
decades ....
You can start with such during early childhood if
your parents have a business. No matter what business branch your
earthly parents are in - there are basic lessons that apply to ALL kind
of business and that can be learned by doing and observing at any age.
Hence at the age of 25 years you may already have 20 years of experience
- if you8 started as early as possible - even while going full time to
No one who never was employee can ever start his own successful
business without causing damage. To avoid damage to others and to all
creation you need to learn, to be more spiritual than others, and more
dependable, more reliable, more accurate and BETTER than others !
Hence - it is but a matter of learning, gaining experiences and
acquiring skills in many essential parts of your desired activity. This
all is done by constantly learning while working better and better.
Common mistakes when realizing a career of lifetime project
There are a few very frequent and common mistakes when starting a new career or a life time project or any project. These are:
- Wanting to start at a too high a level rather than from bottom and working all the way up - step by step
- Starting a business too big. Instead - start with the basic needs
or products and learn from your customers daily needs to steadily
improve and increase the variety of service or products. Start small and
grow as your income and customer basis grows and hence
the volume of needs by your customers
- Starting with loan. Many business are entirely or nearly entirely
financed by loans, by investors, by credits from whoever gives you
money. This is wrong, it reduces your own awareness for the HARD work
needed to originally earn AND SAFE such amounts. A business based on
loans and credits is weak and its owner often a gambler gambling with
the money of others. START tiny small - with our very own savings and
nothing more ! Pay all your investment cash and all your business
expansions as well. It is the safest way to guarantee that
your business grows exactly in the same rate as YOU progress to perform
and provide quality and reliability. And if you are missing capital -
then you have missed to WORK before starting your own business. Work
another few years, learn more and work better and you will have
higher qualifications and hence higher salary allowing you to safe more
for your life time project.
- Starting a business without proper preparation. As mentioned much
earlier above - be prepared, observe, learn from others, improve
knowledge and skills BEFORE starting your own business. Then you are
properly prepared and then you will succeed if you have done ALL the
above steps carefully FIRST. KNOW the industry you are starting your
business, KNOW the law - NEVER depend on lawyer - be your own lawyer and
defender and have God as your only counselor !
- Planning too long without ever really starting the actual work.
hesitating costs money - because TIME costs money. Time is nothing else
but one dimension interrelated with all other dimensions. Life costs
money - hence wasting months, years or even decades costs you all the
money you need for that time to feed on, life and enjoy life as well.
Only those having TOO BIG plans tend mostly to waste too much tie with
their plans. If you have simple business project - something TRULY and
really valuable and useful - then you can start all from scratch out of
your very own brain and heart and grow from the very first day - by
- Be simple and modest and humble in all your projects - there will
be a time - sooner or later - when you have to either abandon or
surrender ALL your lifetime project to God. Never expect anyone to
continue your project. Do it as YOUR project and be ready to FULLY
surrender it to God by the - sudden or well known - end of your present
lifetime. Never expect any of your children to continue YOUR project.
THEY may have totally different spiritual lessons in life than YOU had -
hence they NEED freedom from YOUR project to progress on THEIR
spiritual path and find home themselves. Of course there may be a
situation again and again when you truly feel that your family business
is made JUST FOR YOU to be continued by you and only you. Fine if you
are sure then do it.
God only blesses divine projects
Sometimes people are crazy enough to ask for blessings
of war, of battles in war, of any industrial company doing whatever, of
chemical companies causing damage to others or producing as a side
product chemical agents for warfare. Aircraft manufacturers producing
civil AND military air crafts ... Never expect or ask for blessings of
God when you in reality intend to go an ANY kind of war AGAINST any part
of all creation or at the expenses or by abusing others or cheap labor
in other countries !!!
If however you truly and sincerely have a project that
ONLY is for the benefit of all - mankind, nature, all planet, all
creation - then you will feel God's divine bliss and protection in all
your business ventures - for ever ! Sometimes even without asking for
love and bliss from God. Some people are simply doing good things since
thousands of years - it has become their true nature and whatever they
do they always succeed in all they do.
May you have the courage to do divine projects even
if financial rewards here and now on earth might be far smaller than in
many other areas of activities. God will reward you after your return
and here already by giving you more peace, more strength and more
freedom than most others may enjoy while doing ego-business. Have the
courage to do small business but on your very own - be your own boss -
AFTER properly preparing for it as outlined above.